Monday, February 29, 2016


I see it everywhere Leo wins Oscar.I needed to share whit everyone my happiness.

Svugdje je Leo je osvojio Oscara.Morala sam da podjelim svoju srecu sa svima.

Leo was my firs celebrity crush (2008) and Titanic was the first movie i ever watched (except movies on my language).I love that movie and i love Kate and Leo.When i saw them together on red carpet i was speechless.They are perfect, and Leo wow!!! ''And the Oscar goes to...Leonardo DiCaprio!'' In that moment i started to scream i coulden't believe.My favorite actor wins Oscar.I mean after 6 nominations, he wins it.OMG i was soooo happy.He was the first American actor I've ever heard about.I was 7.And after all these years he is still my fav.He of the reasons why i once and forever decided to become an actress.Congratulations Leo!

Leo je moja prva poznata ''simpatija'' (2008) i Titanik je bio prvi strani film koji sam gledala i koji je drzao moju paznju puna 3 sata.Volim taj film i volim Kate i Lea.Kada sam ih vidjela na crvenom tepihu ostala sam bez teksta.Savrseni su i Leo wow!!! ,, And the Oscar goes to...Leonardo DiCaprio!''U tom trenutku sam pocela da vristim, nisam mogla da vjerujem.Moj omiljeni glumac je napokon osvojio Oscara.Mislim 6 posle 6 nominacija, osvojio ga je. Bozeee bila sam presrecna.On je bio prvi Americki glumac za kog sam ja cula.Imala sam 7.I posle toliko godina on mi je i dalje omiljen.On je jedan od razloga zasto sam ja jednom zauvjek odlucila da postanem glumica.Cestitke

Loooooove Leo and Kate.LEO WINS OSCAR!!!!!

                X.O.X.O M.M


  1. I'm so happy too, he's too cute! I really like your blog, let me know if you would like to follow each other!
