Saturday, January 30, 2016


Hi, everyone I decide to do the post about love.Half of my first post was about love but now I want write only about love.

You need to now differences between crush on someone and fall in love with someone.Because if you don't know differences between that you don't know what love is...

You want be sure how much someone means to you?Just imagine your life without that person. If you feel like you would die if that happen...That person is really important to you.Me, in love that is disaster I can't see clear I imagine ''what if'' situations.I just see something that even doesn't exist. I love unconditionally and crazy.For me it's easy to crush on someone, but to fall in love, that is hard.And when I fall in love once become depressed.I am doing stupid things, solidarity with that guy no matter what, it's bad but what can we do?I will tell you nothing.We need to fall in love that how it works, just some people don't talk some talk. When I am in love I don't talk about that, but when I am crush on someone I just talk about that person.When you love in one moment butterflies from your stomach just disappear, and if you think that you stop loving that person, you need to know that is just a beginning .But when you start loving person that boy use to be you are over, because you don't love that person he is just person you met.

I had like a million crushes, but I was in love with just two boys.And once I loved unconditionally and crazy for less then nine years.No i never had a boyfriend but it doesn't mean that i didn't love. Unfortunately I do so hard but it was just me.Now may I feel something but I won't let my self to love again, all alone.But when I wasn't alone I pushed him, and he was perfect but that is who I use to be crazy bitch.I hate myself for that but now I can't do nothing.I loved him and he loved me, but i just don't know i was bitch.I had prince and i lost him.I was fighting for him , and when he became my i lose him. If you have your prince love him never let him go.

 I believe in soulmates of course, but I don't think that everyone will fine it...I think that I am the last one who will find soulmate.But you need to believe that you will find your.It's just about me...I love wrong or just love right but push him.But my biggest problem is the fact that I am big dreamer...I am living in small country and dreaming abut whole world, living in small town dreaming about New York, lying in small room dreaming about mansion with pool, around horses but still dreaming about prince.Don't dream big because when you dream big you expect something, and you will be disappointed.I learn how to live with disappointments.But you need to fight forever.Fight for prince if you see him.Believe in your love in big cities you can find couple princes, so try to find your he is waiting for you to fight with other ''princess''.

If you have your prince, NEVER let him go!Because around horses princes are rare.So go and hug your prince.
Tumblr's photos 

Friday, January 29, 2016


Doesn’t matter is it love relationship or mother-daughter ralationship or any other.Trust is the most important thing in relationship.Friendships are important too.After family your friends are the most inportant people in our lives.Let`s start with family...
Nije bitno je li u pitanju ljubavna veza ili veza izmedju majke i cerke ili bilo koje druge.Povjerenje je najvaznija stvar u vezi.Prijateljstva su takodje vazna.Posle porodice prijatelji su najvazniji ljudi u nasim zivotima.Pocnimo sa porodicom...

Family relationships

Familiy is inportant in our lives, because no matter what thay will stay with you.``Always and forever`` thay say, but each family is arguing.It`s not normal to have  the same opinion about everything, or to don`t be bord by your little siblings.I have little sister and she is doing everyting like me and she is like little bad  version of me.She is sometimes cute trying to be me but usually she is irritating i am like:''You want be like me, ok fine, but don't touch my stuff buy for yourself, i didn't steal it from mother.''Of course I have never told her, but I should.And I am going to tall her tomorrow!And it's tomorrow I told her and she were ok with that, but I know that she will put my make up again.And there is my mom, we have really good relationship she trust me a lot and I trust her, but our relationship isn't good all the time.That is how it works in one moment we are good, and in the other we are arguing.How to be good with her, talk to her like a friend and shere with her gossips, 2.when you talk with her and sometimes manion boyfriend of your acquaintance, just to see her reaction, if you don't want to her to mean that you have a boyfriend you just act like that is something horrible, her sometimes, but sometimes ignore her...That  is the best way.I can't tell you how to be good with your siblings because the only way to be good with them is to be far away from them or wait them to grow up, but it doesn't mean you don't love them.

Porodica je vazna za nas, zato sto bez obzira na sve oni ce uvijek biti tu za tebe.''Uvijek i zauvijek'' kazu, ali u svakoj porodici ima svadja.Nije normalno da imate isto misljenje o svemu ili da vas ne smaraju mladje sestre i braća.Imam mladju sestru i ona uvijek sve radi kao ja i ona je kao moja mala losa kopija.Ponekad je i slatka dok pokusava da bude ja, ali obicno je veoma iritantna i ja sam kao ,,Oces da budes kao ja, ok dobro, ali ne diraj moje stvari, kupi sebi, nisam ni ja ukrala od majke.''Naravno nikad joj to nisam rekla, ali treba.I reci cu joj sjutr!I sjutra dan je rekla sam i bila je ok sa tim ali znam da ce opet staviti moju sminku.I tu je moja majka, mi imamo veoma dobar odnos, vjeruje mi dosta i ja njoj vjerujem, ali nas odnos nije uvijek dobar.Tako to ide u jednom momentu me smo dobri i u drugom mi se svadjamo.Kako biti dobar sa majkom:1.vjerujte joj, pricajte sa njom kao sa drugaricom i pricajte joj traceve, 2.kad pricas sa njom pomeni momka neke tvoje poznanice samo da bi vidjela njenu reakciju, ako ne zelis da ona misli da imas momka ponasaj se kao da je to nesto lose, 3.pomozi joj ponekad, ali je nekad ignorisi...To je najbolji nacin.Ne mogu vam reci kako da budete dobri sa sestrama ili bracom, jer jedini nacin za to je da budete sto dalje od njih ili da cekate da porastu.Ali to ne znaci da ih ne volite.
Family...where life begines and love never ends.
Porodica...gdje zivot pocinje i ljubav se nikad ne zavrsava.


As I said earlier after family, friends are the most inportant people in your lives.In one moment true friends becomes family.But you can't trust everyone.And no one can become your friend over night.It's better to be paranoic then real, because sometimes real is not so good.I'am paranoic for a while, then I trust that person but not much, I am really paranoic so I have just a few people I trust compleatly.Actally on this planet is only one person i trust compleatly and that person is me,maybe it's bad.But i don't know for any other way.For me life is path, surrounded by flames and they are waiting for you to burn.I have patience and tolerance, but when you across the line it's over for good.Just one person had a second chance only because that frienship was and is long.And it wasn't big deal, but I was mad for three months.Never give so many chances to  people who don't deserve any.But you need to give it to people who desarve.And when we talk about friendships, these words are true:'' Don't judge a book by its cover''.If someones told me last year that I will be friends with some people i would say:''You are crazy!''Never judge a book by its cover, because everything is not what it seems.True friend never judge, just help.


Kao sto sam ranije rekla pored porodice, prijatelji su najvažniji u životu.U jednom trenutku pravi prijatelj postaje porodica.Ali ne možete svakom da vjerujete.I niko ne može da ti postane prijatelj preko noći.Bolje je biti paranoican nego realan, nekad realno nije dobro.Ja sam paranoicna neko vrijeme, onda vjerujem toj osobi ali ne puno, ja sam vrlo paranoicna tako da imam samo nekoliko osoba kojima potpuno vjerujem.Ustvari na ovoj planeti postoji samo jedna osoba kojoj potpuno vjerujem a ta osoba sam ja.Možda to nije dobro, ali ja ne znam drugacije.Za mene je život put okružen plamenovima koji te čekaju da pogriješiš i da se opeces.Ja sam strpljiva i tolerantna, ali kada predjete crtu zauvijek je gotovo.Samo je jedna osoba imala drugu šansu i samo zato što je naše prijateljstvo dugo.I to nije bila velika stvar, ali sam ja bila ljuta na nju tri mjeseca.Nikad ne dajte mnogo sansi ljudima koji ne zaslužuju nijednu.Ali morate je dati onima koji je zaslužuj.I kada mi pricamo o prijateljstvima, ove riječi su istina:,,Ne sudi o knjizi po korici.''Da mi je neko prošle godine rekao da ću da se družim sa ljudima sa kojima se sad družim rekla bih:,,Ti si lud/a!''Nikad ne sudi po knjizi po korici, jer nista nije kako izgleda.Prijatelji ne osudjuju, samo pomognu.

About other relationships in other post!Sorry for not posting anything for three days.But, hope you enjoyed!
Photos;Home Alone, 101 dalmatians, Gossip Girl, Pretty Little Liars, Friends

Monday, January 25, 2016


We all want to visit some places for life…There is my top 5  places to visit.These cities are Wonderlands.
Svi mi zelimo da posjetimo neka mjesta za zivota…Ovo su mojih top 5 mjesta koje bih voljela da posjetim.Ovi gradovi su Zemlje cuda.
1.Colmar, France

I call this town, ‘’Barbie town’’ or ‘’ Fairytale town’’.Every girl use to watch Barbie cartoons so do I.And this city remind me to Barbie kingdom!
Ovaj grad zovem ‘’Barbi grad’’ ili ‘’Grad iz bajke’’.Svaka djevojka je kao mala gledala Barbi, I ja sam.I ovaj grad me podsjeca na Barbino kraljevstvo.
2.Amsterdam, Netherlands

Netherlands, country of tulips, Amsterdam Ana Frank’s home…Amsterdam is for me really romantic and beautiful city.It has some incredibly charm , that Iike.
Holandija zemlja lala, Amsterdam dom Ane Frank…Amsterdam je ceoma romantican I lijep grad.On ima neki nevjerovatan šarm koji mi se svidja.
3.London, Great Britain

London is city with long history, but with modern buildings.City famous for black cabs and red busses, London eye,  Palace of Westminster, Buckingham Palace .The capital city of the most famous kingdom in the world.Amazing  city it’s tempting isn’t it?
London je grad sa dugackom istorijom, ali I modernim gradjevinama.Grad poznat po crnim taxijima I crvenim autobusima, Londonskom oku, Vestminsterskoj I Bakingemskoj palate.Glavni grad najpoznatijeg kraljevstva na svijetu.Nevjerovatan grad, primamljiv zar ne?

4.New York, USA

Oh, New York city which never sleep…So many streets so many places to see to enjoy. That unbelievable city…Manhattan, Brooklyn, Central park, Empire state building, ohhhh this is for sure my favorite all the time.Big apple.New York, city of GOSSIP GIRL and SEX AND THE CITY.I've always wanted to go on street of New York and call yellow cab and lose in this big city.
O, New York grad koji nikad ne spava...Toliko ulica, toliko mijesta za vidjeti i uzivat.Taj nevjerovatan grad...Manhatten, Brooklyn, Central park, Empire state building, pffff ovo je zasigurno moj omiljeni grad svih vremena.Velika jabuka.New York GOSSIP GIRL i SEX AND THE CITY grad.Uvjeh sam htjela da izadjem na ulicu Nju Jorka, da uhvatim zuti taksi i da se izgubim u ovom velikom.

5.Santorini, Greece

The last but not the least favourite city is Sntorini.City with one of most famouse sunsets in the world.Wihite walls and blue roofs are giving to this town  something special.You see photo of this town and it calling you to visit it.
Zadnji ali ne manje omiljen grad Sntorini.Grad sa jednim od najpoznatijih zalazaka sunca na planeti.Bijeli zidovi i plavi krovovi daju ovom gradu nesto posebno.Vidite sliku i on vas zove da ga posjetite.
That was a list of places i want see.Hope you liked my choice.I want to visit all these cities with my girls!Best trip is trip with girls!

Tumblr's photos 

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Peter Pan problem


In this period of life we all are changing, our body is changing, our view of world is changing everything is changing, and that change calls growing up...

I have problem whit growing up, i am scary of that.It's Peter Pan problem!In one moment i want to be older and drive a car, have children, husband, worm home.In the other i want to be child FOREVER.Today is the other moment when i want to be child forever.

I am scary of fact that i'm going to die in one moment, and fact that i'm going to work for 8 hours, being always angry and upset.World around me is busy and for 10 years i am going to busy too.Busy for my family, friends, for everything it's scary.

Why i want to be child, teenager?

It's really simple!First, my job is only to go to school nothing else, second thing one of my biggest problems is LOVE, but when you are 30 your problems are bigger, and you have a million things to do.Then there are your parents who helping, they don't need to helping but just to be there.For example when i need to studying i always ask my mom to stay awake with me just to be there.And when you grow up they are gone forever from someones child you become a parent of a child.

And changing...When you change something, place where  you live, school, friends it doesn’t mean that you will forget what you left but it feels like you will, and it hurts it’s normal to hurts, cry you will feel better and you gonna see that situation clear and better.If you change the school call your friends and cry with them and that pain will go!But sometimes you need to let go, in some case it’s better that way, because pain can be bigger.When you have good friends it’s always better with them.GOOD FRIEND IS EVERYTHING!Hope you enjoyed!

Teenage season

Am i the only one who don’t know how to survive teenage years?
This is time when we trying to realize who we are actually and what we want to be…But it isn’t the only thing that bothering us, isn’t it?What we thinking about, the most?LOVE it’s the word we searching for.

Love can blind, but you all already knew that.In my case it can be fatal…I just kidding.Ok, maybe for my phone, always too many photos of my crush and i always say ”I will never do that again!”But i always do that again and again and again…I know that is dumb but that love can do to you.And there is one syndrome i call it ”I am crush on you syndrome.”That syndrome is actually my biggest problem, and it’s about this:When i crush on someone he find girlfriend next day and it’s happening all the time.Please tell me that am not the only one who have problem like this with crushes.
 There is the part of teenage years when you trying to find yourself, and it is hard too.I mean you feel like you can make your own decision, but no one thinks that, and it’s really annoying.And addition to that you need to find who you actually are and what you will be.Well i find out how to don’t care what everyone thinking it’s simply if you want to be an artist for example and your parents think that is stupid or they just don’t like that idea you just think like this:”They couldn’t become what they wanted to, so they don’t want me to be who am i.”When i realized that i actually realized who i want to be, i want to be fashion designer, fashion journalist and an actress.What you want to be, tell me?

It was my first blog post and i hope you find yourselves somewhere in these lines.