Monday, February 29, 2016


I see it everywhere Leo wins Oscar.I needed to share whit everyone my happiness.

Svugdje je Leo je osvojio Oscara.Morala sam da podjelim svoju srecu sa svima.

Leo was my firs celebrity crush (2008) and Titanic was the first movie i ever watched (except movies on my language).I love that movie and i love Kate and Leo.When i saw them together on red carpet i was speechless.They are perfect, and Leo wow!!! ''And the Oscar goes to...Leonardo DiCaprio!'' In that moment i started to scream i coulden't believe.My favorite actor wins Oscar.I mean after 6 nominations, he wins it.OMG i was soooo happy.He was the first American actor I've ever heard about.I was 7.And after all these years he is still my fav.He of the reasons why i once and forever decided to become an actress.Congratulations Leo!

Leo je moja prva poznata ''simpatija'' (2008) i Titanik je bio prvi strani film koji sam gledala i koji je drzao moju paznju puna 3 sata.Volim taj film i volim Kate i Lea.Kada sam ih vidjela na crvenom tepihu ostala sam bez teksta.Savrseni su i Leo wow!!! ,, And the Oscar goes to...Leonardo DiCaprio!''U tom trenutku sam pocela da vristim, nisam mogla da vjerujem.Moj omiljeni glumac je napokon osvojio Oscara.Mislim 6 posle 6 nominacija, osvojio ga je. Bozeee bila sam presrecna.On je bio prvi Americki glumac za kog sam ja cula.Imala sam 7.I posle toliko godina on mi je i dalje omiljen.On je jedan od razloga zasto sam ja jednom zauvjek odlucila da postanem glumica.Cestitke

Loooooove Leo and Kate.LEO WINS OSCAR!!!!!

                X.O.X.O M.M

Saturday, February 27, 2016

What is in my makeup bag?

I am still new in this blog thing so i wanted to try new things.Sooo...

                       Clockwise from left to right (except lip products)
*Makeup Revolution VIVID BAKED BRONZER
*Maybelline New York the ROCKET VOLUME EXPRESS mascara 
*Brush is Makeup Revolution PRO-C 
*Essence all about NUDES eyeshadow 
*Catrice  EVEN SKIN TONE foundation mine is 020

Clockwise from the top…
*Golden Rose VELVET matte 08
*Golden Rose VELVET matte 07
*Makeup Revolution purple (it has no number)
*Maybelline New York Passion Red /49
*Flormar lipliner 201
*Flomar lipliner 202
*Essence XXXL nude lipgloss
*Rosal lipbalm CHERRY LADY

So there is my makeup bag...Hope you liked it...If you do, join my blog for more 
                X.O.X.O M.M

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

How to get throw hard period in life?

Hello, everyone!

I am sick and i am so boring, i can't go to school.I found my old diary and i decide to share something with you.

Life isn't how it seems, life is beautiful but without ups and downs we are dead.In one moment you can be good in other you can feel so bed, but that is life and we need to deal with it.I had some bad periods in life, i mean everyone has.So here is how i got throw that.

I always looked in future i was thinking about what is going to happen when everything stop.I dreamed, and when i wanted to cry i cried, and i felt much better.It helps when you write what you feel, so i was writing what i feel.And just i was keep telling myself that everything is happening with the reason.And i was trying to find, that reason.Why did that happen?And no i didn`t find the reason.How did it go?I were on trip with my friend and i just felt better.I had best few days and that just gone.I think it is because i just let myself free.Always think about good.I realized that quotes like these are true:''Life`s a game you sometimes win, sometimes learn or lose'', ''After rain there's a rainbow''.Nothing is only white or only black, because in one moment you will wake up and realize everything is just gone.That hole in you is gone.But you need to wait.It won`t disappear if you do something stupid.It only could be worse.

No matter what you need to keep going, you should be looking at the future and dream.Deal with all the trash it brings wave of life,You can do everything and you can go throw everything, you are brave and beautiful.Never forget it.
Join site for more....

Sunday, February 21, 2016


Hello world!!!

Everyone has a bream.Some people have one some 2, some dreams are not big some are.Mine is really big, for me.I have a few of them...

I know for American people this can`t be dream but ok...My dream is to live in the USA or to visit the USA.That county is perfect to me (i know that it isn't, but still).But that`s not my only dream.My dreams ugh...My dreams are big, but you know how they say dream big, live big.

New York

Big Apple, city whit lot of secrets .I wanna see ''Brooklyn bridge''.I want to walk the streets and watch people around me.I want to watch how ''Empire State Building'' touches sky.I want to see ''Central Park'', visit China Town.People say that there is no better time to visit New York then Christmas.I wanna feel every New York Christmas.It`s really big dream, considering that i live in Europe in really small country.But no one can stop me dreaming.


I wanna  travel all around world, and visit many states.Now i can`t travel a lot.But every time i can i travel.Every single time.Travel is perfect no one know you.You don`t know people or city.When you travel you meet some new people.Beautiful cities all around the world, and every single one has different smell, different streets, food, people.New places to discover and feel.Every city has different history, present and future, and you can feel every single one.Just imagine all that beautiful food and all that beautiful people.I live for the day when will i be able to travel all around the world.And i want to at the end of the trip sit in airplane and go back to my apartment in the NYC.

And lot of people keep telling me that i can`t do this and just to stop dreaming.But my dreams are in my head not just in my head, but in my heart.And i just can`t stop dreaming and i don`t want to.So no one can tell you stop dreaming.If your dreams are coming from heart you`ll never stop dreaming.For me my dreams are loves...I love my dreams and i just can`t stop thinking about them.But you need to know you need to work for every dream, if you want to live it...


Monday, February 15, 2016


 ``Cause everything starts from something
But something would be nothing
Nothing if your heart didn't dream with me``
                                              -Justin Bieber, Believe 

It doesn`t matter if you are girl or boy have you 15 or 30 years are you work or going to school.It will always be people who talks behind your back.You can't be good for everyone or beauty for everyone and you need to accept it.You need to ignore them or just to let them know that you know.But never talk about people behind their backs.

It is always better to say what you mean, it can be good or bad, just say it or keep it for yourself.Becouse when you talk behind someones back they will find out sooner or later.Always is better to say what you think because that person will think that you are honest person.And everyone will appreciate that.

If you have blog or YouTube channel and people keep telling you that is crazy or you are stupid stop doing that.Just look at that person.And remember there is few reasons why did she/he say that here are the reasons:

1.He/she don't like him/herself so he/she want you to don't like your.
2.He/she want to do that but he/she is scary
3.His/her life is boring.

Just remember this.

Faith is all you need.Always believe in yourself no matter what.No matter what people say or do to you believe in yourself.If you don't, no one else will.What to do if you can't believe?

Every time when you want to do something, but you are not sure how people will react.If you are scary, go to mirror and tell yourself:''You can do that, you are the bast.''Repeat  it over and over again.You'll be more confident, and you'll love yourself more.Keep telling you that you are the beauties, the smartest person in the world.Believe in yourself and love yourself.Bojana Stamenov sings ''Beauty never lies, never hides!''You are beauty and do not ever think otherwise.


Saturday, February 13, 2016

Love 2 part

First i want to say sorry because i didn't write for a while.But i will try to write more...

In my country people still don't celebrate Valentin's day, some people do.But it is not big holiday like in other countries in the world.

But it is my new chance to talk about love.I have never had a boyfriend.But i know lot of about love.Normal question is how?I just know more then half of people i know have boyfriend.So i heard lot of stuff from them.And when you don't have a boyfriend you just see thing clear.I see mistakes that my friends doing in relationships.So here is few mistakes (NEVER DO THIS):
1.After first date you start texting and you say I LOVE YOU don't do that, just DON'T
2.You are with your boyfriend and his friends and they start to talking bad things about you and he don't do anything, tell him:''If you don't do anything, i would and you 
3.Never came back to boyfriend who hurts you.
4.Don't go into relationship if you don't fell anything.
5.Don't date someone just to have boyfriend.
6.Don't think about someone before your first meeting 

Friends zone

Huh...Crush on your friend.I understand you.You don't know how he fell and you two are good friends and you don't want to destroy that.Well before 5 years i fall in love with my that time my friend.I was watching him talk to him, and just not saying anything.And he never told me like we are friends or something.And he was my first love, ever.Yea love!After 2 years i told my friend:''I can't love him anymore.''And that night he told me that he is into me.I realize that i should tell him sooner.Take a risk, and it is worth it.