Sunday, June 19, 2016

About life! Pt.1

Why are we scared?
Can we enjoy in life as much as we want to? If we can how? But if we can't than why?
Why this, why that?
Don't do that!
Does everyone asking themselves that, why?
I don't know do you asking that yourself, but I know, that i'm asking mine.

Zasto se plasimo?
Mozemo li uzivati u zivotu, koliko bi zaista zeljeli?Ako mozemo kako?Ali ako ne mozemo, zasto?
Zasto ovo, zasto ono?
Ne radi to!
Da li se svako ovo pita?
Ne znam da li se vi pitate, ja znam da se ja pitam.

First thing first, why are we scared?

I don't I?Does anyone know that? Are we scary of us or we are scary of people.Of what, OF LIFE, maybe?Let me tell you what I know about fear.Fear is something that will always be there in your head, you can't stop being afraid.U will always be afraid of something and just deal with it!We can't just forget or just move forward like you have never been afraid.If we stop being afraid of something, another fear will appear and that makes us human being.That is ok.It is normal, but don't let fear to be you.Tell yourself:"It is okay to be afraid, I am afraid, but I am not going to let my fears take control on myself."Be happy and live life.

Prije svega, zasto se plasimo?

Ne znam...znam li?Da li iko zna, zasto?Da li se plasimo d nas samih ili se plasimo drugih?Cega, zivota, mozda?Da vam ja kazem sta ja znam o strahu.Strah ce uvijek biti u vasoj glavi, ne mozete prestati da se plasite.Uvijek cete se plasiti necega I nosite se s tim!Ne mozemo zaboraviti na strah ili nastaviti dalje kao da se nikad niste plasili.Ako nas strah prodje, neki drugi ce se pojaviti, ali to nas cini zivim bicima.To je u redu.Normalno je, ali nemojte da pustite strah da postane vasa licnost.Recite sebi:"U redu je plasiti se, plasim se, ali necu pustiti strah da ovlada mojim zivotom."Budite srecni I zivite zivot!

Soo...I finding this blog post really long so I decided this post will be pt.1, pt.2 is coming soon.And I am going to talk about other questions.

Paaa...vidjela sam da ce ovaj post biti veoma dugacak, pa sam odlucila da napravim dva dijela, ovaj ce biti prvi dio, a drugi izlazi uskoro.I pricacu o ostalim pitanjima.

Friday, June 10, 2016


Am I the only one who still want to became a princess?

Does every girl dream about her prince?And if the answer is yas...Am I the only one who knows that I can dream, but my prince will never come (not like I don't want to).Call me crazy or over romantic (is that even phrase), but meeting prince is dream of every girl.

I love romantic, but I don't like too sweet, because it can became boring.I love romance, I really do and sometimes sweet romance (for me) isn't enough.I dream of accidentally love or something like that (I know sounds stupid), and I know that will never happen, well I don't care about that fact.I just dream for myself, like a story for my mind.Beautiful perfect story made only for me.

Something for my own, something what remind that I still have a lot of imagination.But let's talk about prince.My best friend (well one of my best friends) told me, once, that she can't imagine people faces when she is reading a book, so I guess that she can't imagine her prince (not thinking about celebrities).I can imagine people faces, but I don't want to imagine my prince's face.Actually when I think about prince I don't think about his physic look .I just try to imagine how or where could we meet.I am on parking right now and know I dream what  would happen if I met someone here.What would be the tittle of our story?

And maybe my prince isn't from my country, but how like am I he is from Amazon.From some tribe so we won't meet for lifetime.But that won't stop me to dream.What is the point of doing something or thinking about something if you stop when world is going against to you. (When I say world I mean reality).Believe in...Happily ever after...